Reach Out (Empowering Teachers to Become Trauma-Sensitive Schools)
The "Empowering Teachers to Become Trauma-Sensitive Schools" (2023-2-TR01-KA220-SCH-000170175) initiative, under the Erasmus+ Programme, addresses the urgent need for a supportive educational framework following natural disasters. This project is designed to enhance the resilience and psychosocial responsiveness of schools across Europe by integrating trauma-sensitive practices into the curriculum. The main aim is to equip teachers with the necessary tools and knowledge to address the emotional and psychological well-being of students post-disaster, fostering an environment conducive to recovery and learning. By establishing a network of educators and leveraging shared experiences and strategies, the project facilitates a collaborative approach to disaster response in educational settings. The initiative also seeks to create a standardized, trauma-informed educational framework that can be adopted universally across EU nations, ensuring consistent and effective support for affected students.
- Curriculum Harmonization: Standardize and integrate psychosocial support within EU educational systems to aid recovery post-disasters.
- Educational Solidarity Platform: Develop a platform for teachers to exchange knowledge and experiences on managing trauma in educational environments.
- Professional Network: Establish a supportive network of educators to foster resilience and shared learning in disaster response.
Intellectual Products
In-Class Psychosocial Support Activity Booklet
- Purpose: To provide teachers with ready-to-use activities that can be immediately implemented in the classroom to support students psychologically.
- Impact: Equips teachers with practical tools to help students cope with trauma, enhancing the classroom environment for affected students.
Teacher Training Modules on Trauma-Sensitive Practices
- Purpose: To develop comprehensive training modules aimed at enhancing teachers' understanding and skills in delivering trauma-informed education.
- Impact: Ensures that teachers are well-prepared to modify their teaching methods to meet the psychosocial needs of students.
Curriculum Analysis and Pedagogical Partnership Guide
- Purpose: To analyze existing curricula and provide guidelines on incorporating psychosocial support into school programs.
- Impact: Aids schools in embedding psychosocial health concepts into their curricula, promoting a holistic approach to student well-being.
Digital Platform for Teacher Collaboration
- Purpose: To create an online platform that facilitates the sharing of resources, ideas, and strategies among educators.
- Impact: Strengthens the community of practice among teachers, enabling more effective and widespread adoption of trauma-sensitive educational practices.
- Enhanced Teacher Preparedness: Teachers will have the knowledge and resources to address psychosocial issues in the classroom.
- Improved Student Support: Students will receive consistent and effective support to aid their psychological recovery post-disaster.
- Strengthened Educational Communities: Schools will become more resilient and prepared to handle the aftermath of disasters through enhanced collaboration and shared learning.
Partners List
- Istanbul Valiligi, Turkey - Coordinates the project and integrates it into local policies.
- VKV Koç Özel Okulu, Turkey - Contributes to curriculum development and teacher training.
- Inspectoratul Scolar Judetean Teleorman, Romania - Implements the project guidelines within regional schools.
- PANEPISTIMIO THESSALIAS, Greece - Provides research support and evaluates project impacts.
- Eyyubiye Ilce Milli Egitim Mudurlugu, Turkey - Focuses on practical implementation in schools, particularly in regions prone to disasters.
- SDRUZHENIE TCENTAR ZA OBRAZOVATELNI INITSIATIVI, Bulgaria - Manages dissemination and application of the project outcomes.
- BAHCESEHIR UNIVERSITESI FOUNDATION, Turkey - Enhances content development and offers technological support for digital platforms.