Be Hero project
Interreg - IPA CBC Bulgaria – Serbia ProgrammeCCI Number 2014TC16I5CB007
GENERAL OBJECTIVE: Increasing capacity to act during crisis situations in the Bulgarian - Serbian border region by encouraging joint work and building a network of young active and solidarity people.
• Consolidate and train youth leaders from both sides by creating a sustainable cross-border network;
• Establish a supportive environment for cooperation and development of the youth volunteering sector for crisis interventions through exchange of best practices and innovations in work in this field;
• Promote a structured dialogue between young people, their organizations and decision-makers to improve volunteering during a crisis in the border region.
- Joint studies and analyzes of the current situation and needs of young people in the field of youth volunteering, especially volunteering in times of crisis in Bulgaria and Serbia;
- Selection and preparation of "young heroes" - a group of 20 young activists through joint training;
- Creating a virtual web-based platform for training, preparation and collaboration;
- Establishment of a training cross-border camp in Bulgaria;
- Conducting a series of public discussions on volunteering during a crisis in 10 cities in the border area (5 out of the country);
- Training of youth leaders for action in various crisis situations in Bulgaria and Serbia;
- A cross-border camp for 40 young people in Bulgaria aiming at preparing, acquainting and training them for volunteering during a crisis and creating a network of young volunteers.
Center for Educational Initiatives Association, BG
Future Association;
European Movement in Serbia – Leskovac (EMinS Leskovac) -