A project meeting was held in Palermo for the REACT project

On March 16 and 17 in Palermo, Italy, the fourth international meeting of the REACT project (https://www.react-erasmus.eu) took place with the kind hospitality of the Sicilian organization Danilo Dolci. Participants from partner organizations from Bulgaria, Germany, Greece, Spain, and Italy had an interesting, diverse, and rich working program. The main focus of the meeting was on teacher training for upcoming practical seminars based on the maieutic approach combined with the methods of Maria Montessori. Instructions were given and scenarios were presented for conducting seminars on the topics from the Handbook. It was emphasized that guidelines will be developed based on the received, summarized, and analyzed experience of all partners after the completion of the pilot phase. They will serve for further effective development of activities through the reciprocal maieutic approach, taking into account how to increase the acquisition of critical thinking skills in a school context through dialogical learning.
Directors of two of the schools where the pilot phase of the project will be conducted took part in the meeting on behalf of the Center for Educational Initiatives: Temenuzhka Krumova - Director of GPCE "Simeon Radev", Pernik and Desislava Stefanova - Director of 10th Primary School "Aleko Konstantinov", Pernik.