Conducting training seminars in connection with the upcoming piloting of the REACT project methodology.

On March 9 and 10, 2023, within the framework of the REACT project (REciprocal maieutic Approach pathways enhancing Critical Thinking), experts from the Center for Educational Initiatives conducted two training seminars with teachers from two schools in the city of Pernik: GPCE "Simeon Radev" and 10th Primary School "Aleko Konstantinov". The trainings were related to the upcoming piloting, which will take place in both schools. Therefore, the main focus was on presenting the Teacher's Handbook (), which contains the methodology for developing and thematic directions of practical seminars, based on the maieutic approach, which will be implemented in the classrooms by the end of this school year. During the trainings, schedules for upcoming activities, as well as scenarios for conducting seminars on the topics from the Handbook, were developed.