We play serious games together with the students of Plovdiv Electrical Engineering and Electronics Secondary School

We play serious games together with the students of Plovdiv Electrical Engineering and Electronics Secondary School - we create and test different simulation scenarios to prepare our locality to deal with natural disasters such as floods, earthquakes, fires, etc., we play the role of mayors and take important decisions to deal with the damage should such a disaster befall us.
The educational video game "Take it seriously" was developed within the project of the same name, funded by the Erasmus+ program, contract 2020-1-UK01-KA201-079097 and is available for free use by all interested school teams. The game has an interdisciplinary approach and allows the development of different scenarios and pedagogical tasks for civil protection lessons in class time, for integrated STEM lessons or thematic lessons in foreign language lessons, because game scenarios are also developed in English, Spanish, Turkish and Greek language.