Analysis of the high-school textbooks in History from the Balkan countries
“The Image of the Other”
A research project carried out by the Center for Educational Initiatives and financed by the European Community under PHARE and TACIS Democracy Programme.
All the materials in this publication and printed through the kind support of Kultur Kontakt - Austria and Open Society Foundation - Sofia.
Sofia 1998
Analyses of the Bulgarian high-school textbooks in history
“The Bulgarian School and the Notion of Europe”
This survey, prepared by Milena Yakimova, Nina Nikolova and Svetlana Subeva, contains the results gained in the frames of a research project carried out by the Center for Educational Initiatives and financed under the MATRA Small Embassy Projects Programme (MATRA KAP Programme) of the Embassy of The Kingdom of The Netherlands to Bulgaria. Sofia 2000
ISBN 954-90302-3-7